Border Collie Bad Breath: Causes, Prevention, and Solutions

Border Collie Bad Breath is a common issue many pet owners face. While occasional bad breath is normal, a persistent foul odor can be a sign of dental disease, underlying health, or even poor diet.

Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of bad breath in many dogs, which can lead to plaque and tartar buildup. If not properly addressed, the issue can result in gum infections, periodontal disease, and tooth decay.

This can badly affect a pet dog’s life. Second most common cause is poor diet. Pet dogs sometimes consume non-food items such as trash, feces, or even harmful plants, leading to foul-smelling breath.

Also, kidney disease, liver disorders, and gastrointestinal problems, which the owners should look out for.

For the diet part when have elaborated in details on how to properly give your border collie a perfect, healthy and wholesome diet.

Now let us take a look at Border Collie Bad Breath and how to solve this issue.

Border collie bad breath symptoms

There are many symptoms, some are minor and some are major. In dogs occasional bad breath is normal, but when there is persistent foul smell then there is concern.

Most owners tend to ignore this wake-up call, thinking it’s a minor problem.

Symptoms like accumulation of yellow tartar on teeth and gums, inflamed gums, excessive drooling, weight loss are common in most dogs.

Digestive symptoms can be gas, frequent burping, digestive issues, regurgitation and vomiting.

If it is related to kidney or liver then an ammonia smell from the mouth, yellow eyes or gums, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea can be seen.

We have discussed some important symptons which should not be ignored and can be cause of your Border Collie Bad Breath when noticed.

Border Collie Bad Breath-Causes

When we own a pet its not just the training and diet which is important for the dog. Well, the teeth and gums of the pet dog are important too. Uncared oral health can have a serious impact on a pup’s health.

Bad breath is due to poor oral care . Here are some causes pet owners can’t afford to ignore-not regularly brushing teeth, accumulation of tartar on teeth and tongue, low water consumption, digestive problems, gum diseases (gingivitis & Periodontitis), kidney disease, gastrointestinal issues, liver disorders.

We hate to break the news, but border collies are one of the breed which are prone to dental diseases because of their jaw structure and chewing habits.

Why does my border collie have bad breath?

Brushing a dog’s teeth is very important for the dog’s oral care. At least brushing twice or thrice a week is more than enough if daily brushing is not possible. A specific dog tooth brush and dog tooth paste will be perfect to do the job.

Let’s have a look at the issues of Border Collie Bad Breath.

Not Regularly brushing teeth

If you don’t want to deal with any of the causes mentioned earlier, then you should make a habit of brushing your border collie’s teeth regularly, and it starts from the puppy stage.

By the time they are six months old, they start growing their permanent teeth. So from the very young age make a habit of touching their teeth, face and jaw while brushing, it will help to keep brushing their teeth in adulthood as well.

Regular brushing helps in reducing plaque and tartar, prevents bad health, gum diseases, lowers serious health problems, saves money on vet bills and improves overall quality of life.

Accumulation of Tartar on Teeth and Tongue

Tartar is accumulation of plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria and food particles, forming on teeth, gums and tongue. Poor soft diet contributes to it compared to crunchy kibble.

Most dogs eat the food as if they are hungry from ages, and end up swallowing food fast, not chewing the food. Therefore chewing on bones and dental treats is necessary.

Another reason for accumulation of tartar is old age, which makes them more prone to tartar buildup.

Low Water Consumption

You won’t believe it, but yes, it is true: low water consumption can also cause bad breath, dry mouth, and build-up of bacteria. Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining good oral health.

How to know your dog doesn’t drink enough water if you can’t keep track of his water intake. Look if your dog has sunken eyes, reduced energy level, and has thick saliva or even dry gums.

If any of this sign occurs, then there is less consumption of water by the dog. Low water consumption causes low saliva production, less toxin flowout from body, overgrowth of bacteria and kidney or liver issues.

Ensure there is always fresh water to drink. So it’s become vital to track your dog’s water intake.

Digestive Problems

Border Collie Bad Breath can sometimes also be due to digestive issues. Looking into gut health is important too, rather than focusing on oral health all the time.

If your pet is frequently burping, or having irregular bowel movements like diarrhea or constipation, feeling discomfort after eating, and is a picky eater, then these signs can indicate that the dog is having digestive issues.

Dogs can have an unhealthy gut leading to overgrowth of bad bacteria. An slow disgestive system can build toxic up, and if digestion is not working smoothly gases and stomach acids travel back up causing a sour odor.

Does your dog have any allergies? Avoid feeding him allergic food or low quality food. Look out for worms and parasites disturbing digestion.

Gum Diseases (Gingivitis & Periodontitis)

Periodontal disease is also called gum disease, can be another reason for Border Collie Bad Breath. Major signs in gum disease includes hardening of plaque, multiplication of bacteria, causing Gingivitis.

Gingivitis is a common form of gum disease. Symptoms of Gingivitis are swollen gums, bleeding gums, redness, and irritation of the gums.

Periodontitis is similar to Gingivitis, showing similar symptoms, affecting the gums and the jaw bone. In this, accumulated bacteria travels into blood vessels causing inflammation.

In serious complication it can damage the bone supporting the teeth structure, resulting in a loose tooth and pain while chewing.
Minor tooth decay and infections also cause bad breath in dogs.

Kidney Disease

Kidneys filter waste and toxins from the body, and if they are not functioning properly, toxins get build up in the bloodstream. So there is bad breath issue.

Dogs with kidney disease are weak, having a loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, and having mouth ulcers. There is an increased thirst, frequent urination, and the bad breath smells like ammonia.

Kidney disease is associated with increase in urea level in blood due to failing of kidney functions.
Taking vet help is advised.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Gastrointestinal Issues happen due to digestive problems such as poor digestion, bacterial imbalance in gut and acid refluxes. Improper food breakdown causes ferment in the stomach which then leads to gas buildup, finally passing through mouth .

Other reasons are gastrointestinal infections, slow digestion, food intolerance, overgrowth of bacteria and internal parasites.
Acid reflux causes excessive burping and regurgitation, due to the backing up of stomach acid in the esophagus.

All these issues lead to more big problems like IBD(inflammatory bowel disease), gastritis, and pancreatitis.
A healthy gut indicates an overall good health of a dog.

Liver Disorders

The liver plays a series of important functions in the body, like supporting digestion, detoxifying the body, and metabolizing nutrients.

And when the livers fails to properly filter toxins from the bloodstream it leads to foul smelling breath, yellowing of teeth and gums, loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy weight loss and vomiting.

Mainly liver disorders occur due to inflammation, liver shunts, organ failure, and infection. A low-fat and high-antioxidant diet is recommended in this scenario with a proper treatment.

How to Stop Border Collie Bad Breath

Prevention is always better than cure as the saying goes. There are some preventive measures an owner can take.

First of all, make a habit of brushing your collie’s teeth regularly, they are more prone to plaque and tartar accumulation. Use dog tooth brush and dog tooth paste, human toothpaste is toxic for them.Brushing two-three times a week is healthy and beneficial.

Dogs love to chew on things, so do border collies. Giving them raw bones, chew toys and vet-approved dental chews will help to remove debris and plaque. It will help in saliva production as well.

This chew will keep them engaged if they are in puppy phase, helping to smoothen the sharp teeth.

Next and very important thing to do is giving a semi-vet nutritious high quality, protein-rich diet. Home-made meals will remarkably help improve digestion and gut health. You can check our article on food for border collies in detail.

Giving dry kibble sometimes is good for the teeth, removing any scraps or debris.

After having a meal or having a good intense workout, make sure your collie drinks clean fresh water. Constant availability of fresh water will keep your dog’s hydration level up. The more water he drinks, the more toxins and bacteria will get flushed out, making the dog healthy and joyful.

Keeping an eye on digestive issues, which is a clear sign of poor gut health. You will identify when the dog is frequently vomiting, having diarrhea, constipation, burping, and excessive gas. Giving fibre-rich foods, digestive enzymes, and probiotics can help.

Monitoring and addressing kidney issues and liver diseases. Frequent urination, yellowing of gums and teeth, or even eyes is a clear sign of liver issues. Ignoring these signs can be fatal and can result in serious health complications.

Why do border collies breathe so hard?

Border collies frequently exert themselves because of their high energy drive. Sometimes it can a health issue too.

What is a natural breath freshener for dogs?

Coconut oil, carrots, and fresh parsley have natural antibacterial properties and are good breath freshner.

How to clean a dog’s mouth?

Regular brushing habit with a dog tooth brush and dog tooth paste.

Is bad breath in dogs a sign of illness

Not always, but persistent bad breath is sign of illness.

Can a dog’s breath indicate illness?

Yes. It can tell a lot about a dog’s overall health.


Border Collie Bad Breath is directly related to gut health, just like humans. If food intake is good and nutritious, then gut health remains healthy and there will be no bad breath of your beloved companion.

Just like this information, we have also provided information on the best shampoos and the best food. Good dental care, balanced diet and addressing any underlying medical issue are key factors for avoiding bad breath in dogs.

Remember observation and prevention always help.

If you don’t have a border collie and are thinking of owning one, then you should read our two articles on history and what they are known for. Getting information on the breed is always the right thing to do before getting one.

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